I'd recommend catching up with this programme if you are currently searching for work, under the threat of redundancy or a business trying to survive recession, as there maybe some useful pointers you could pick up.
Last weeks Money Programme concentrated on both sides of recession and redundancy and how to secure a new role and why businesses have to make redundancies.
The programme underlined the need for businesses to offer unique services, a good example of this was the collapse of general store Woolworths - many of whose products could be bought cheaper on line or from other sources. There was some sound advice on how to survive recession for small businesses by holding on to key employees.
There was a good point made, that it is the job not the person that is being made redundant.
Although there was no mention of the Creative/Marketing sector, which is our speciality, there was some good advice about getting your CV to work for you, being proactive, re-training and staying positive through such a difficult time. A couple of people they'd interviewed and advised, had got new jobs during filming and the others were optimistically still searching. I was a little disappointed that the panel of experts didn't appear to be current/recent recruiters, or strapped for cash like the majority of people who are searching for work following redundancy are.
With over 15 years experience as a Recruitment Consultant I have see a huge variety of CV. I think the easiest advice I'd give with regard to your CV is make it clear, to the point and make sure there are no spelling mistakes. As we don't always see our own mistakes, ask someone else to proof read it, both for spelling errors and to make sure it is clear what your previous jobs have entailed. Don't forget your contact details it's surprising the number I've seen without this information.
Generally with surviving the recession and job searching my advice is to be as positive and proactive as possible, which I felt was the message from The Money Programme James Caan's Jobs.
Have a look at our website, www.stevecooper-crs.co.uk, to see details about using our services along with a variety of current Creative & Account Handling vacancies.
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